Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July's Update


This cosmos looks like someone water colored it!

Ironweed - love the deep purple

Finally!  The tomatoes are here and Kai is HAPPY!

Our 4th lady has started laying - and look at it's color!!

Rose Pink - so pretty!


Monday, July 1, 2024

A Cool Snap

 It was so nice today - a wonderful break from the crazy HOT days we've been having!  So I spent as much time outside as I could!  :)

Great spangled Fritillary on our Butterfly bush

Working on a  new bed - so far three buttonbush and two black cohosh

Added some to the right front bed- one buttonbush and four blue false indigo

Love the color out the front door!  So very pretty!

Worked on the tomatoes - please ripen!! Kai is so ready!