Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday at the Park

One of several tulip (yellow popular) trees.  They are beautiful trees!

Sweet Joe Pye - butterflies are going to be very happy when they are bigger!

I wish I could make this picture appear as it does in my eyes - the greens just pop!  And it's green upon green upon green.  Spring is my favorite green.

We close on Lot #4, the lot to our South, on Thursday.  Perhaps that enboldened us and we walked up the wagon trail to the majestic sycamores!  One reason I wanted this lot is so that no one ever cuts those beautiful trees!  They just tower over the lot, ruling in majesty.  (Of course another reason I wanted the lot is I don't want neighbors breathing down my neck!)

The view looking back toward the house - we love the knobs.  It's like being in the mountains, and living in a valley.

We have more than five of this tree, and today as a group project of Jason, Sandi, and I we figured it out!  It's a Black Cherry tree.
It has the loveliest flowers  (this picture is from the Morton Arborteum - thank you)

I love the shape of the sassafras leaf :)

I found another grape fern.  This brings us up to two!  The majority of our ferns are Christmas ferns.

My ladies are getting bigger.  I was afraid I had very unsmart birds.  They would ONLY eat their baby chick feed, nothing else.  Nothing from the kitchen, no treats, nada.  I thought maybe if I left them some special chicken grubs/worm things they would eat them when I was gone. Nope.  So I tried their itty bitty baby chick feeder (red in the middle). I filled it with tasty snacks.  They wouldn't go near it.  I left and when I returned it was empty.  Wahoo.  My birds can be taught!

Fun times are coming our way!


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