Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday around the Park

Worked really hard on the mulch today.  So much weeding, and then covering the bare dirt with mulch.  Almost finished, just a small section left now.  Hard to stop because this is HARD work for an old lady!

I've had this project sitting around waiting to be done.  I got 3/4 of the way done staining the railing on the front porch (front and back on the right section, back on the left section) - and ran out of wood stain.  More has been ordered.  Staining wood instead of painting it, like I had originally intended to, felt so fun - like being on a design show.  haha

Look at that beautiful cattle panel trellis!  I have waited and wanted this for so long!  Jason was able to go get two today (and some dirt for the other side of the trellis) !!  Peas on this side, cucumbers and beans on that side (these two will be planted as it warms up).  I so hope it works as well as I hope it does!

Columbine is about to open!

And the ants have found the peonies- which means that they are about to bloom!

I have two different trees that the phone keeps telling me are elm, but their branches are different.  I have to figure that out.

Update on the wildflower field: We have our same two, wallflower and flax, but I'm starting to see some others :)

and buds!

Last night Jason and I cut out an autumn olive that was growing under the cedars in the front.  We had tons of branches just laying there by the street.  Today while Joseph and I did mulch, Jason moved the branches to the back near the firepit.  It took four trips in a loaded down truck to get them back there.  We still have so much to do up front, but I love it!  Pulling down vines. Cutting out invasives.  Opening up the area for native trees.  It's almost like I can hear them sigh in relief when they are freed from everything.

Look at all of that open area!  I love and hate it!  I love that that horrible autumn olive is gone. I hate the privacy and shade are gone.  BUT - I am having faith in the process that by removing invasive species, natives will be able to thrive and they will fill the area.

I am so impressed with the gray dogwoods we got from the Kentucky Department of Forestry.  They already have little leaves!

I am trying to identify this tree.  (I know it's a terrible picture!). In the winter, the bark intrigued me.  Now Spring is here and it's leafing out, but it's so tall and the leaves are only at the ends of the branches.  It's not like anything I've seen here.  I will figure it out.

And this lovely tree. As much as I am a fan of natives, this guy is going!  Poison sumac is not wanted here.  Sorry.  Although from a purely artistic view, I LOVE the symmetry of this image!

Our beautiful creek.  Bella and I were down here for an hour today.  She loves to throw rocks and climb on her tree.  I keep thinking that this would have been a magical place to grow up.  I feel a little sadness that the girls didn't get the chance.  And sometimes I think we need more little people to have the opportunity.  Today as I watched Bell, I realized SHE is growing up here, and she never has to leave.  She'll be an adult here as well.  That was a good thought.


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