Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Spring at Gravel Creek Park

 Oh my goodness!  This last hour of wandering through the property looking and listening has been a dream!  We have been here for six months now.  When we moved in, everything was grey and mostly naked.  But Spring has come!  I love that Easter is in the Spring!  It's the perfect time to remember the Savior's resurrection.  Death and gray were here, and now LIFE!  Everything is alive!  I love it!  I love exploring our property.  I love learning about each tiny new plant as it emerges from the soil!

Truly, as I walked around the septic field or as I prefer to refer to it, the wildflower  field, I was thinking about all of the teeny seeds, roots, and rhizomes that are in soil.  Where is the magic secretary that tells them - "OK, it's your turn!  Pop up!  No, not you, you have to wait for another month!"  It's all so magical and wonderful, and even spiritual to me.  Take for example the little teeny ephemeral flowers.  They pop up and bloom long before everyone else.  They are up and blooming while all of the other plants are still taking their winter naps. Their blooms bring me such pleasure - there is hope! Spring is coming!  Hold on a little longer!

Finding new growth on a plant is like discovering its tiny baby.  Look at this new growth on this Christmas fern.

I feel so much happiness, contentment, and joy wandering around and learning.  If you see a chubby, middle-aged woman bending close to the ground at an awkward angle so as to get the best shot with her phone pointing at some plant, it's probably me trying to identify and learn about another new and fascinating plant!  :)

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