Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mulch FINALLY finished!

 This has been the LONGEST project!

We had some dirt and mulch delivered on March 11th.  Slowly but surely Joseph and I got the left side done (the bed with all of the native plants).

Today we finally finished the right side - the side with the elder berry, four baby pine trees, five sweet shrubs, and a bunch of rhododendrons.  We had left it for so long there were so many TALL weeds.  So Joseph and I pulled weeds and then dumped mulch.  Finally on Saturday we finished "the hill" as we called it, and then blocked the area around the new shrubs and trees with cardboard and then mulch.  We had down some edging so we could use edger and have less weeding to do.  
So tired! So hot!  But FINISHED!!  Wahoo!

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