Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July's Update


This cosmos looks like someone water colored it!

Ironweed - love the deep purple

Finally!  The tomatoes are here and Kai is HAPPY!

Our 4th lady has started laying - and look at it's color!!

Rose Pink - so pretty!


Monday, July 1, 2024

A Cool Snap

 It was so nice today - a wonderful break from the crazy HOT days we've been having!  So I spent as much time outside as I could!  :)

Great spangled Fritillary on our Butterfly bush

Working on a  new bed - so far three buttonbush and two black cohosh

Added some to the right front bed- one buttonbush and four blue false indigo

Love the color out the front door!  So very pretty!

Worked on the tomatoes - please ripen!! Kai is so ready!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Started on the Back Railing

 So for the back, I'm actually using the stain the way it was intended - as a light gray.  It looks nice, I think.  One section finished, only five more to go!

Finally Finished the Front Railing


So interesting story about the railing. I bought a light gray stain for the raw wood of the railing.  Of course it took a while before I was able to get to this project.  Once I started, though, I opened the can and found this amazing blue gray oil.  I loved it!  I felt like one of those designers on a fancy TV show.  I'm not adventurous. I would never have chosen this color, but wow, it looked so beautiful on the wood.  I got 3/4 of the way through my staining and then  I dipped the paintbrush into the stain and pulled out - GRAY!  What?  Then it dawned on me that I didn't shake the can of stain.  It had separated and I had only been using the oil on the top!  Haha!  So I ordered another can and left it sitting for a couple of months.  Today I had the time and opened the can to find exactly what I wanted - separated paint!  Haha!  Today I finished staining the railing with that beautiful, fancy, blue gray stain that I love!  :) <3

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tomato Progress

I tell Kai he has to wait till July for tomatoes.  That doesn't mean he doesn't ask me every day, "Any tomatoes yet?"  :)  They are coming, buddy!


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mulch FINALLY finished!

 This has been the LONGEST project!

We had some dirt and mulch delivered on March 11th.  Slowly but surely Joseph and I got the left side done (the bed with all of the native plants).

Today we finally finished the right side - the side with the elder berry, four baby pine trees, five sweet shrubs, and a bunch of rhododendrons.  We had left it for so long there were so many TALL weeds.  So Joseph and I pulled weeds and then dumped mulch.  Finally on Saturday we finished "the hill" as we called it, and then blocked the area around the new shrubs and trees with cardboard and then mulch.  We had down some edging so we could use edger and have less weeding to do.  
So tired! So hot!  But FINISHED!!  Wahoo!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Plestiodon fasciatus

What a cool skink!  I saw it when I was shoveling mulch today.  The blue on the tail was just electric!  It was so cool to see!

Also known as a Blue-tailed skink or American five-lined skink

Flowers Around the Park

Flowers around the Park:
(I will add to this list)

Dense Blazing Star

Wild Carrot & Black Eyed Susans growing wild next to the house

Can't forget the wonderful tomato!!

Great Mullein

Butterfly Weed


Prairie Coneflower

Re Bree Wren Honeysuckle

New Jersey Tea

Black eyed Susan


Echinops Ritro




Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Birds we have seen at the Park

So far we have seen:
(I just keep adding to this list)

Blue Jays


House Finch

Eastern Bluebird

Red winged Blackbird


Tree Swallow


Brown - headed Cowbird

Yellow Warbler
(These fly around in flocks.)   :)

American Redstart

Plus lots of little birds that I don’t know the names of yet